Testing Grounds
As the climate crisis accelerates, how can artists’ residencies be testing grounds for new – and better – ways of living and working? This eight-part podcast series brings together artists, researchers and activists from across the Nordic region and Scotland to explore this question. Testing Grounds is presented by the Nordic Alliance of Artists’ Residencies on Climate Action (NAARCA), a collaboration between seven artists’ residencies. We’re working together to develop, test and communicate new ways of living that are ecologically, socially, mentally and financially sustainable.
Find out more at: https://naarca.art/
Podcasting since 2023 • 11 episodes
Testing Grounds
Latest Episodes
Episode 9: Reflecting on NAARCA
In this special episode, we're reflecting on the first three years of NAARCA – exploring what’s been achieved, what the challenges have been, and where things might go next.We'll also be hearing about all the work that’s been going on wi...
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 8: Art Hub Copenhagen - Repairing the City
How might a philosophy of repair change our approach to planning and architecture?Art Hub Copenhagen is NAARCA’s Danish partner, and the only member residency located in a major city. It opened in 2019 as a place for artists, curators a...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7: Saari Residence - Art and Decolonisation
What could it mean to decolonise art, and to use art as a tool for decolonisation? Saari Residence is NAARCA’s Finnish partner. It’s located in Mynämäki, Southwest Finland, and maintained by Kone Foundation as a residence for artists of...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 6: Narsaq International Research Station - Who Defines "Progress"?
Please note: this episode features brief mentions of suicide, alcoholism and violence.What does “progress” mean in an age of climate crisis? Who should define it? And how can the process of defining it be made more inclusive and democra...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 5: Cove Park - Young People's Voices on the Climate Crisis
What are young people’s views on the climate crisis? And how can artists, and art institutions, help to amplify their voices?Cove Park is NAARCA’s Scottish partner. It’s perched on a picturesque hillside on the Rosneath Peninsula, on Sc...
Season 1
Episode 5